Font SUB and FUNCTION Procedures GetFontInfo Gets font information for the currently selected font. GetGTextLen% Returns the pixel length of a string based on the currently selected font. GetMaxFonts Gets the maximum number of fonts that can be registered and loaded. GetRFontInfo Gets font information for the currently registered fonts. GetTotalFonts Gets the number of fonts currently registered and loaded. LoadFont% Loads the font information from the .fon files or memory for the specified fonts and returns the number of fonts actually loaded. OutGText% Outputs text in the currently selected font using the current graphics color at the current graphics cursor position. Returns pixel length of the character output. RegisterFonts% Registers font-header information from a specified .fon file and returns the number of fonts registered. RegisterMemFont% Registers the font-header information for fonts that reside in memory and returns the number of fonts registered. SelectFont Designates a loaded font as the active font. SetGCharSet Sets the character set used in subsequent graphics characters. SetGTextColor Sets the character color used in subsequent graphic characters. SetGTextDir Sets the horizontal or vertical orientation of graphics characters. SetMaxFonts Sets the maximum number of fonts that are allowed to be registered and loaded. UnRegisterFonts Removes registered fonts from memory.